In the last couple of years, we’ve followed how many new listings come to market in January.  It’s been a good indicator of what to expect for the Spring Selling Season!

In past Januarys, the guesses spanned a reasonable range and usually the winner was somewhere in the middle of the pack. These were the guesses from last January:

Contest to Guess the Total Number of NSDCC January 2024 Listings

142 Anne M

157 Skip

160 doughboy

170 Dale

174 SurfRider

176 LifeIsRadInCbad

180 Kingside

188 Stephanie R.

189 Chris

190 Tom

192 Sara G.

196 Derek

200 Curtis

208 Rob Dawg

210 Bode

213 Shadash

217 Nick

222 Majeed

223 Joe

The final count was 255 listings in January, 2024, which was 14% over the highest guess!

After January, the inventory continued to rise, and there were around +15% more NSDCC homes for sale this year, than there were in 2023.

I mentioned last January:

My theory is that 10% more inventory is easily absorbed and really won’t be that noticeable. It’s when the inventory is growing at 20% or more that buyers may wonder what’s going on – and be tempted to pause, and/or get more picky, if that is possible.

The way it’s going, the 2024 Selling Season should be as hot, or hotter than it was last year!

The +15% was about the ideal increase in inventory because sales were higher too. Will 2025 be the year that we find out how much is too much?

It’s going to be a wild and crazy season – and not just for the Padres!

Leave your guess any time, and officially this contest will begin the first week of the year.

More historical data:

NSDCC January Listings

2018: 427

2019: 420

2020: 355

2021: 302

2022: 233

2023: 207

2024: 255

2025: ?

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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