The NSDCC listings inputted between January 1-15 are up 11% YoY:

2023: 100

2024: 111

Take last January’s total of 205 listings + 11% = 228 for the projected winning score, which would blow by everyone. How close the monthly total gets to 228 will tell us if listings are surging or calming as the spring selling season opens. Here are the guesses of the number of January listings – winner gets Padres tickets:

Contest to Guess the Total Number of NSDCC January Listings

142 Anne M

157 Skip

160 doughboy

170 Dale

174 SurfRider

176 LifeIsRadInCbad

180 Kingside

188 Stephanie R.

189 Chris

190 Tom

192 Sara G.

196 Derek

200 Curtis

208 Rob Dawg

210 Bode

213 Shadash

217 Nick

222 Majeed

223 Joe

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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