The reason for breaking down the active and pending listings by zip code is to give the readers a closer look at their neighborhood stats.
Four areas have MORE pendings than active listings, which is a sign of a red-hot market, and all areas except Rancho Santa Fe are around the healthy 2:1 ratio. But the most interesting datapoint is how the number of active listings has been skidding downward ever since rates went up:
The demand may have dropped off, but the supply is shrinking just as fast, or faster. Virtually everyone who is thinking about selling their house this year is going to be on the market in the next 2-3 months, and so far, it doesn’t look like the number of springtime sellers will be anywhere close to what we’ve had in the past.
The number of 2023 NSDCC listings is already 20% behind last year’s count – which was the lowest ever.