Have you noticed that the doomers are just speculating that the market is bad, mostly based on the median sales price? Is that all you got? Believe what you hear from the street.
Getting More Confident Every Day
by Jim the Realtor | Jan 14, 2023 | Bubbleinfo TV, Jim's Take on the Market, Market Conditions, Open House, Why You Should List With Jim | 4 comments
Someone else on the street saying it more forcefully:
“The Buyers’ Market is Over in SD”
Have a computer write your blog posts? Good grief – this is pathetic:
Hi Jim!
Al (artificial Intelligence) apps and platforms can help real estate agents in many ways. Al-powered apps can create highly personalized listing descriptions, AI writing tools, the ones we will discuss in class, are a great way to automate so many of the time-consuming processes of writing, freeing up time for other important tasks.
This class will introduce you to some of the available options that will streamline all of your writing projects.
The future is here!
Using AI to write up listings for agents is a real thing + probably works very well.
All youd need to do is create a checkbox website that defines all the property attributes. Then you feed the AI (which has been “trained” with a database of thousands of listings) the keywords from the checkbox website. Bing bang boom out comes a property/listing description.
Realtor speak might be a little confusing if you’re not in the industry but AI would have no issues identifying patterns.
All that being said AI generated content doesnt provide “value” like what you provide here. Analytical thought and the ability to rationalize are things that AI cant do…. Yet… 😉
Yes – if an agent is doing a blog post once a month, hopefully they can come up with something original to say!