The Pacific Beach hillside remodel is complete. Here are a few photos of the journey, and a recent video tour:
Mr. Buyer delivered what might be the best quote of the year: “I finally buy my wife a million-dollar house, and the first thing she does is tear it down!”
“I finally buy my wife a million-dollar home and she tears it down” -Mr. Buyer
LOL! In Santa Barbara County–years ago–a local radio station would quip: “Santa Barbara: Where you can buy a million-dollar trac home”. Yeah, not as funny a quote as “Mr. Buyer”, but wow was it true…
Here is how the house looked when purchased in August, 2013:
They went to work on it right away, so almost two years to complete.
Very cool video and stunning house. Are those original walls left so it can be considered a remodel? They seem gone in the third photo tho.
Love the look of the near finished product. What I would find more interesting is who did the work as it looks top notch.
Do you know how much $$ the owners had to put into that remodel?
I think it was around $600K?