We’re up to 292 responses to last week’s survey, thank you readers!

Here are some of the comments:

I know prices are never going to be as low as I would like because of demand and bank and government collusion but I would appreciate it if Jim could focus more on properties that don’t require someone to make 250K+ a year. As a first time home buyer I would love to see more videos showing some glimmer of hope for being able to afford a home.

I’ll make an effort to include a wider range of price-points.  For those looking to spend less than $400,000, the need to compromise is very demanding.  Consider these three: buying a fixer, going further out, or living with something smaller, possibly a condo.  The chance of you finding a decent house, in a decent area, under $400,000 around North County Coastal is remote, at best.

Could there be further market deterioration in the future?  Yes, and it would likely be a result of squishdown from above.  Bubbleinfo.com will help you see any potential erosion in the mid-to-upper-end market that could benefit those below.

I think you ought to see what you can end up doing to change the way San Diego MLS does business. Buying a house out here sucks, and I think you can help to change that on a broader scale. Keep pushing.

Thanks, and I wish there was hope.

Sandicor runs our MLS the way they see fit, and doesn’t care about what is wanted and needed.  We still have to use Internet Explorer exclusively to fully access the MLS – that is mind-bogging in 2012!  I expect that Redfin will lead the way in website upgrades, and could easily take over the real estate world as we know it – but they would have to develop a killer instinct and want to wipe out the industry as we know it, and re-invent.

More info on what improvements North County Coastal (NCC) move up buyers should make to their existing homes to get them to sell.

There were several comments like this one.  I’d want to appeal more to sellers anyway, so look for more on this topic!

Even more info on your thoughts on NCC pricing and lowball offers ($700 to 1.1 range). Some homes in NCC seem WAY overpriced. Can you offer 775 on a house priced at 850? Your thoughts on specific NCC neighborhoods (pros & cons).

There is a direct relationship between sellers’ willingness to negotiate a lower price, and time their house has been on the market. Offering $775,000 on a $850,000 listing is unlikely to go anywhere on a listing that’s been on the market only a week or two, in spite of the pricing accuracy.  Time is a buyer’s weapon – let them sit.

I regularly present offers well under the list price, and substantiate them with a supporting argument.  You don’t know if the listing agent has done any market analysis – many just pray that the buyer’s agent does their job for them.  I expect that the listing agent will just forward my offer directly to the seller, so I attach my case too – making it easy for the seller to accept my offer is part of my job.

I see you trying to strike a balance to protect your business by attacking the people that come to challenge your perspective without hard data. It turns me off a bit. I understand your desire to protect your business, but wonder if you can do it in a softer way.


I encourage full discussion on market data or events, but there are people who just want to disrupt – which is different than have a dissenting opinion.  I will softly delete the trolls, and keep the focus on-topic.

Upgrade to High Def videos (720P at least) maybe wear a mic when recording?

I will buy a new HD camera this week, and work on better sound.

I think the argument about foreclosures NOT being a destructive influence does not hold water with most people, kind of discredits his other opinions and views.

I’m still shaking my head about this one.  Does it reflect that the brainwashing of America is so ingrained in people that it becomes second nature – and any challenge is rebuffed?  I will live with it, and try to do better to substantiate all of the theories and opinions expressed here.

For example for your videos try for a specific format for them. Instead of doing the drive up narration etc. For example: For every new listing. Go to google maps/ bing maps and do a street view or overhead map view. THEN go on site with the narration. Try to keep the videos formatted as best as you can to a specific time frame as well. Too much ad lib in there, funny, keep some of it but stick to the meat and potatoes.

I deliberately try to keep the addresses off the website – I don’t want people who search their address to be able to find us here, but yes there is more I can do to identify exactly where these properties are located.  Many commented that the videos could use more captions, so look forward to those.  The format for individual-house videos is to keep them less than five minutes in duration, and hopefully less.  I am conscious of keeping my talk short and to the point, but it is a challenge for a rambler like me.

It would be interesting to see a top-entries, most commented, most viewed, most shared ratings section. infrequent viewers don’t like to slog through pages of content built up over weeks. Also, might as well get some facebook sharing setup, that would get a lot of visibility for free.

I have a reliable guy now to assist me with improving the blog’s readability.  If you have other thoughts of how to make it better, let us know.

I know it is how you make your living but I’m still skittish as hell about buying real estate in bubble markets – I must be totally out of touch or simply old fashioned.

I want to do better in addressing this specific topic – how to feel more comfortable with today’s real estate market when it is unlike anything we have experienced previously.

Don’t go changing to try to please people. You will never win. Be yourself as that is your best product.

Thanks – will do!

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, bubbleinfo.com which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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