As you can see in my mortgage-rate tracker (in right column), we had another meltdown today, and the conforming rate now is over 6% (with no points).

The idea of paying higher prices AND rates really discourages the move-up/move-down markets.  Combined those with having to pay federal and state capital-gains taxes and the existing homeowners aren’t going to give moving another thought. They probably weren’t giving it much thought any way! And now they might have to sell their home for less?  Forgetaboutit!

While most will be (rightfully) concerned about how the buyer pool could dry up, also keep in mind that for every move-up/move-down homeowner that decides not to move, the supply side shrinks a little more too.

Bill added more towns to this list, and it keeps showing how San Diego is bucking the national trend:

We’ve had enough buyers who NEED a house that sales will keep happening, regardless of mortgage rates.  I’m sure buyers are hoping to just pay the list price, or less, to compensate.

Yet, after rates got into the 5s and several ER sales closed for less, here’s another over-list:


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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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