Rich’s latest assortment of data and graphs are out:
Here’s one graph that demonstrates the timing of the selling season:
For sales to spike in March, it means buyers have been jumping to get into escrow right after the Super Bowl – and in some cases, prior to!
But also look at how sales drop off earlier in summer.
In 2018, sales from May to June were flat, when they usually rise.
Closed sales in July – which are a result of buyer decisions made in May and June – typically decline from June’s sales counts, but then last year they really fell apart for the rest of the year. And this graph is for the whole county, whose median sales price is less than half of what it is between La Jolla and Carlsbad.
If you are selling, do not think you’ll stand a better chance, later.
My guess for 2019?
February through April will be the season.