I started this blog on a Saturday morning in September, 2005 with a free account on Squarespace.  Donna said, “Just don’t spend too much time on it”.

I don’t know how many blog posts were on the Squarespace account – a few hundred – but this is the 7,500 blog post since I switched to WordPress.

Other stats:

7,500 Blog posts

62,021 Blog comments

1,019,432 Visitors in the last ten years (including bots)

8,450 Tweets

2,588 YouTubes

2,215,275 YouTube views:

(the Watch time didn’t start until 2012)

The transition from a foreclosure-video website to a general real estate format has been challenging, and I’m thankful to have an audience.

I appreciate you being here!

Thank you to those who comment – you add texture and perspective to the content that makes it much more valuable to all readers.  Hat tip to Gary (daytrip) who has supplied much/most of the outside content and colorful commentary – and I only use about half of each!

There are no ads here, and no paid blog posts by outsiders.  I try to keep the blog focused on the most relevant, useful topics of the day to assist the reader with their real estate education.  I want to be your realtor – what you see here is just a sample of what I can do to help you.  I appreciate the blog readers who have allowed me to help them buy and sell houses – THANK YOU!

Monthly blog views:

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, bubbleinfo.com which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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