Somebody needs to say something, so I guess it will be me.

Though I’m still shocked that realtors and their management are willing to stay this quiet, for this long – their silence is deafening.  The disrupters are the only ones doing the talking, and because no one else objects, they are getting away with lies and deceit.  The consumers deserve better.

  1. This guy does what Glenn and the rest of them do – constantly reminds the viewer that the standard commission is 6%.  If you are selling a median priced home (or higher) in Southern California, and think you have to pay 6%, you haven’t looked very hard.  Myself and most other agents are happy to deliver full service for 5% or less.
  2. Rex listings aren’t in the MLS, and they are only making sales with buyers they find themselves.  But the highly-motivated buyers – the ones who pay top dollar – work with an agent.  Why? Because they like the advantages an agent offers, which include convenience and expertise.  Because Rex won’t deal with other agents, it narrows the potential buyer pool.  If your house isn’t being offered to the highly-motivated buyers, then your bidding war won’t be as robust, and you will sell for less than you could have if you would have hired me.
  3. The buyers they do attract are unrepresented, and deal with robots.  The comfort level of those buyers will be lower, and their offers will be too.
  4. It is a fact that buyers who get little or no representation are more likely to fall out of escrow.  It might seem sexy in the beginning to make a deal through a new-fangled disrupter, but only the perfect houses at the perfect price make it through escrow without issues.  Seen many of those lately?
  5. He agreed that lousy agents aren’t going to survive, but good agents will. In reality, the disrupters are offering an alternative to the lousy agent – for consumers who are willing to put up with minimum service with the illusion of saving a buck, plod ahead. Great agents deliver maximum service, which results in top-dollar sales for sellers, and the best houses for the buyers.

The disrupters have one thing in common – they want you to think that their automating of the process will deliver the same results, and make selling homes easier and cheaper.

But it takes an expert salesman to get personally involved with creating a bidding-war environment to cause a top-dollar sale for sellers. You don’t get that with disrupters (or lousy agents) who just want to process your paperwork.

These differences need to be clearly identified so consumers can make an informed choice. Get Good Help!

More to come later – I have to go beat a robot out of a sale!

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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