I got an early start this morning and joined the nationwide annual event of counting our homeless population. About 50 volunteers met at the Encinitas headquarters of the Community Resource Center on Second Street downtown at 4:00am today.
We split up into teams, and figured we’d be working the beach area. Instead, everyone was assigned a census tract between Del Mar and Carlsbad in order to provide full coverage.
Our section was in Carmel Valley, and half of our designated area was filled with gated communities so we mostly poked around Pacific Highlands Ranch.
We did see one guy sleeping in his car near the on-going construction, and that was the closest we got to finding anyone who might be homeless. But I’m glad they include those living in cars because the lack of affordable housing is impacting those who have jobs – but can’t afford to live here.
The goal is to identify how big the problem is, and then work to solve it. If you’d like to participate, check the San Diego Regional Task Force on the Homeless, who has the vision of ending homelessness in the San Diego region:
SD Regional Task Force websiteI was 83.28:
> “half of our designated area was filled with gated communities”
A cause or effect of the affordable housing situation?
They designed the area with a little bit of everything – thinking that would do.
But the apartments got caught up in the excellent schools nearby, and people who could otherwise buy a house in the ‘burbs are renting here instead:
1-br for $2,595 to 3-br for $3,470 per month
California is a dumping ground for half-way houses that fail. The rehab centers bus in addicts from all over the country. The rehab place gets a check, so they don’t have any care for bad outcomes. The addicts bolt the program, and move to the the Santa Ana river, and other places. City officials are well aware of this, they don’t brag about it, and it’s not stopping anytime soon.
Also, just plain old transients who stress hospitals with constant care needs are given one-way tickets to California. Sometimes hospitals get caught, sometimes they don’t. This one did, but don’t think it ain’t still happening. They got caught because they got greedy. Other hospitals will pace themselves:
Also, publicly declaring ourselves a sanctuary city in a sanctuary state is going to bring fans of that idea. Many, many fans. Meantime, places like Amazon Go, self-driving cars, and the like, are giving people with low skills, less and less to do. They may no longer have money to pay rent, but they have to occupy space. They won’t just give up and kill themselves, I’m afraid. They will hobo their way through the bad times, and hope things get better. Any viable alternative will be met with derision and scorn. No “work camps” coming anytime soon, imo. Folks who really need the help with have those who don’t cutting in line for limited services.
Under globalism, being a hobo has it’s privileges.
How Much Money Is Spent On Homeless Services In San Diego County?
‘Jurisdictions in San Diego County have collectively spent more than $630 million in the past two fiscal years to combat homelessness. The county provides just over half the funds, with the San Diego Housing Commission, which serves the City of San Diego, accounting for a little less than half. The other, roughly two percent of the funding, comes from individual cities throughout the county.’
So…let’s divide that in half to show one year: 315m. Now, that money includes housing assistance for at-risk homeless as well. The article does not give the number of people who benefit from that. 100 million according to the article goes to mental health and drug/alcohol programs.
So 100m to 315m and a net result 9K homeless. That’s roughly 11K to 35K per head. As usual, we are not getting our money’s worth from the bureaucracies.
That’s roughly 11K to 35K per head.
If that went to permanent solutions, it might be understandable. Instead, we get three tents: