A quarter of Californians who are 55 and older haven’t moved since the 1970s?
Get used to seeing older homes needing a full upgrade coming to market over the next 5-20 years. We are overdue!
A quarter of Californians who are 55 and older haven’t moved since the 1970s?
Get used to seeing older homes needing a full upgrade coming to market over the next 5-20 years. We are overdue!
Bombers love their homes!
Correction: Boomers, not bombers.
Prop 13….
One original owner 1988 house for sale in my neighborhood of 400 plus houses. The other two are owned by much younger people, owned less than 15 years.
No liquidation here. Maybe when they go feet first and the kids decide to sell. However, around here, kids are moving into their parents’ houses now. Low taxes (Prop 58) and no or low mortgages.
Move where? We don’t have “local” markets anymore. Real estate is all nationalized, even international in places like San Diego.
When local residents have to compete with ALL CASH buyers who are from who knows where, local residents mostly lose.
Call it what you like, but we need some new rules for this game.
I’d vote for that! For starters, a 15% foreign buyer tax, like they setup in Vancouver and Ontario, Canada.
The new rules comment suggests the following prop 13 only applies to US citizens folks from abroad pay full tax rate (since the foreigners can’t vote tax them harder)