refreshingBuyers out early in their hunt for new meat have been disappointed so far.

Of the 36 detached homes listed in NSDCC this year, 23 of them, or 64%, were on the market at the end of last year.

While the practice of ‘refreshing’ a listing is frowned upon, you could make a case that it is in the seller’s best interest to do so.  Though it only takes a couple of clicks to verify the re-list, many agents in a hurry don’t check, and instead rush their clients over to what they may think is a hot buy.

Two others that were’t in the refresh pile include:

1. A seller who listed for 44% higher than his March, 2013 purchase price – but has new-house plans submitted for approval if you want to tear down and start over.

2. A flipper who listed for 104% higher than his August, 2013 purchase price.

3. A flipper who listed for 94% higher than his May, 2013 purchase price.

Any new seller who loves a good show should call me – with these conditions, I can guarantee a bidding war, and more money than ever for your house!

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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