Tracy Glesby is a real estate agent. No doubt she’s good at her job.
But D Magazine did not name her a Best Real Estate Agent in either 2011 or 2012, as one would be led to believe by her Facebook page.
Glesby and I aren’t friends, so I can’t see her timeline. But the screenshot you see here was taken today. Which is why I like this lady’s moxie. Because last Wednesday, she got a call from our brand manager, politely asking her to remove the Best logos that she had not earned. Some snippets of that conversation:
D Magazine: “I’m curious. How is it that you acquired these logos? I am the person who disseminates these to the winners, so I am unsure how it is you even have one.”
Tracy Glesby: “Uhh, you can just google image it.”
And then:
D Magazine: “Our editors and fact checkers go through a very rigorous process to determine these lists, and when it is misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented by someone claiming to have won when it was not actually bestowed upon them, it really undermines the prestige.”
Tracy Glesby: “Ok, well, now you’re just using a bunch of words that I don’t understand. I’m an end-game person. Let’s just get to the end of this. If I take those two little logos off, are we all good? Because I can do that when I get to the office in the morning.”
As I say, that conversation happened last Wednesday. Yet the logos remain. That there is what you call stick-to-it-ness. You put your house on the market, and it doesn’t sell the first day? Tracy Glesby isn’t going to give up. To make the sale, that lady is going to do whatever it takes.
Hat tip to “just some guy” who saw this at
This was the kind of experience I had working with realtors before finding bubbleinfo.
It’s the little things like…
– Answering your phone
– Waking up before noon
– Knowing how to fill out paperwork
I hope this is April Fools?
As a side note, I think one reason people like Tracy gain traction is too many clients treat real estate brokers like their pastor. I’ve told a few of my friends and relatives to dump their broker because their broker was qualifiedly incompetent. Their reaction was always, “no, no. you don’t understand. my broker just had a bad break. that’s why the deal went south… a few times… and my property is still sitting on the MLS months later… just bad luck… my broker… is good!”
I like how she is “Double D”……of course, I mean for the years 2012 and 2013.
Can someone please explain why copying a couple of images is wrong, but copying an entire article word for word including graphics is not?
If you are talking to me, it is wrong.
Got anything else Ross? Anything to add to the real estate conversation where I’m trying to assist people in seeing what is really happening out here?
Uh… the problem is not with copying images, it’s with misrepresenting that she won an award she hadn’t actually won…
Ross, I think the difference is Tracy Glesby commandeered a registered trademark to commit fraud, while Jim posted an article with it’s link prominently displayed, as all responsible website authors do, to remind consumers to do their due diligence when selecting a real estate professional.
I understand your concern about looking silly right now, but you have nobody to blame but yourself.
Responsible web site authors do not copy entire articles word for word without permission. Copying is not authorship. A URL at the bottom of an article is not “prominently displayed.” No publication name, no original author name. I do not hide behind pseudonyms, and I do not engage in childish name calling of people who disagree with me.
Jim, I think you are a stand up guy and do provide valuable information, but your particular practice of copying entire articles into your blog to use as your content is, in my opinion, unethical, unless you obtain permission from the original publication to do so. If you do this, then I sincerely apologize, but also recommend you include some notice of this, “used by permission” or some such. To reproduce a work in entirety without permission, in my opinion, tarnishes your otherwise high level of professionalism.
Jim’s response here:
“now you’re just using a bunch of words that I don’t understand.”
wow, that’s crazy…
I can just imagine… flood zone? foundation crack? termite damage? asbestos? now you’re just using a bunch of words that I don’t understand.
I did a search on Facebook, and I could be wrong, but it appears her account was recently deleted. I checked her real estate office, and it appears she’s done so well selling houses that she has no more listings.
There’s some email addresses available for Tracy and her associates. Maybe emailing her brokerage firm can help shed some more light on this matter.
She also appears to have kept her Linkedin account:
She’s on Twitter, but hasn’t posted in a long time:
According to her twitter posts, Tracy is a real estate agent who loves analogies, as well as pornography and luxury kitchen items:
“Williams sonoma is like porn for women…Im attracted to it like a fly to a light!”
I’m no expert at interpreting poetry, but she seems to be saying that if Dallas area bachelors would like to manifest a successful romantic evening with Tracy, all they would probably need is a flashlight, and a $25 gift certificate from Williams Sonoma.