Reader Ross expanded on his previous comment:

Responsible web site authors do not copy entire articles word for word without permission.  Copying is not authorship.  A URL at the bottom of an article is not “prominently displayed.”  No publication name, no original author name.  I do not hide behind pseudonyms, and I do not engage in childish name calling of  people who disagree with me.

Jim, I think you are a stand up guy and do provide valuable information, but your particular practice of copying entire articles into your blog to use as your content is, in my opinion, unethical, unless you obtain permission from the original publication to do so.  If you do this, then I sincerely apologize, but also recommend you include some notice of this, “used by permission” or some such.  To reproduce a work in entirety without permission, in my opinion, tarnishes your otherwise high level of professionalism.

My response:

I appreciate your willingness to comment.  Here’s my side of it.

I am a realtor.

My goal here is to help disseminate information that I think is important to my clients, and potential-clients.  I think it is my job to provide a resource that educates people about buying and selling.

I don’t claim to have authored these posts, I just think they are pertinent to the readers and building the education.

Could I include a sentence or two and then link out?

Yes, and usually I only include snippets of the story here – it is rare that I copy a whole article.  My goal is to expose the main point in 1-3 paragraphs, add a graph or photo, and link out for the readers who want the full story.

I am also using twitter, which is the easiest format to legally post articles.

But I don’t know how many bubbleinfo readers are frequenting the twitter account.  It’s only got 153 followers while the readership here at the blog miraculously stays right around 12,000 unique visitors per month.

Here is the real problem.

I need to provide content to keep an audience, and I don’t have time to author enough posts myself to keep the blog full and engaging.

KKHowever, help is on the way.

KK, our oldest, started her final quarter of college this week.  Once complete, she will be joining the family enterprise this summer.

She is a very engaging personality, and a born salesperson.  When she joins the team, there will be no more shortage of content – instead, we will be fit for reality TV.

If you can grant me some leeway until summer, I’d appreciate it.  The market intensity is brutal right now, and I have to stay focused on the business.

If you and others would like to comment on how to improve the bubbleinfo experience, I’d love to hear it.  I am going to have at least one guest author contribute occasionally, and I might just go with less content and hope people stick around another three months.

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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