This looks like a hot buy on paper, but needs a closer look. While it is a manageable project, it looks scary at first glance. P.S. There’s a typo on price, it’s $745,000:
by Jim the Realtor | Nov 3, 2011 | Remodel Projects, REOs for sale, Thinking of Buying? | 11 comments
I think the lack of neighbor influence in the back more than makes up for the work needed on the pool.
Agreed – very rare to have no neighbor influence with newer homes, and it’s worth something. The negatives for me were the choppy floor plan and pool-in-the-shade effect. You might be able to finish the pool for $15,000 or so.
Uh oh Jim….I got a call yesterday from a well known RE firm on Paseo de Delicias wanting me to intern there. I’m meeting with them in December to discuss this. And they do the big bomber properties in the Ranch and along the Coast…La Jolla, Del Mar, Encinitas….etc.
I’m very excited! They were very impressed with my resume and what I had to say in terms of my knowledge on RSF and the real estate market in general. They “would really like me to work with them and I want to discuss this with you further when you return from Spain.”
I’m very excited to see what they have to say!
Uh-oh is right.
There are hundreds if not thousands who are “in” real estate around Rancho Santa Fe. Only a handful are in real estate sales.
In RSF working on sales means fine tuning your four-color ad for the next Dean Homes magazine.
Isn’t the real problem getting financing on a house with an unfinished pool? So… you’ve got to go all cash?
I like that house. Too bad I won’t live there until I’m retired or have a job down there.
I probably won’t be able to do it anyway because I have to finish college. In anycase, it’s just an internship and I’m curious as to the office works. I know I’ll be doing bi*** work, like other internships I’ve done….but I’m curious as to how a RE office actually works.
But ya, I can’t do it until the summer at the earliest.
I hate it when kids talk with exclamation points. That one needs some impulse control.
Seems totally doable, although the pool looks like a terrible design, being very narrow and with the planters above it like that. I would rather fill it in.
But an easy lift. Of course, I compare all REO recovery projects to that infamous one where they even ripped the speakers out of the wall.
I agree….tear out the pool and put your $$$ into a nice looking jacuzzi area.
And…as Jim says….a pool is in the right location….if it’s next door!
I love that.
There’s something about this house that just doesn’t work. Maybe it’s the color, but the rooms seem to be small and the floor plan seems wacky to me.
The floorplan is uneasy for us because we’re probably not used to one-stories.
Besides, if this was a retirement home, why would you need a Jack & Jill rooms?