Speaking of contests, we have a pair of Chargers playoff tickets riding on the amount of homes for sale on December 1st.

In December, 2008 the average amount of homes for sale was 15,116.

On August 11, 2009, the total amount of active listings was 11,457.

On September 22, 2009, the amount of actives was  8,149

Today’s inventory count is 7,955.

Here are the guesses:


CA renter is the front-runner currently, with three weeks to go!

The lower inventory counts are excruciating for the ready, willing, and able buyers. Any decent houses that list with an attractive price are still being scooped up quick.


The pending count has held up, but will we see a load of closings this month of those getting in before the previous tax-credit expired?

September 22: 11,011

November 18: 10,528


How about the REO counts, any flood happening yet?

Week New REO listings
Oct 1-7
Oct 8-14
Oct 15-21
Oct 22-28
Oct 29-4
Nov 5-11

No flooding sighted, but steady flow for now.

What would happen if buyers take the holidays off, come back after the Super Bowl all fired up about getting a tax credit, and there’s not much to buy? Hopefully we’ll be able to count on some of the 10,580 properties on the trustee-sale auction list to make it to market!

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, bubbleinfo.com which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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