Merry Christmas

Me showing the kid a dance step or two…..

Natalie had a covid scare but tested negative four days in a row so she was able to join Kayla, Frank and us for Christmas weekend!

We appreciate those who include us in their search for the perfect home for the holidays – thank you!

Christmas dinner! L-R: Donna’s cousin Krista, sister Suzanne, Natalie, Frank & Kayla, and sister Elizabeth (and Donna in the background)

Manhattan Views

We did get to spend the Thanksgiving weekend in Manhattan with Kayla. She cooked a good old-fashioned turkey dinner at home on Thursday, and the next day we visited the new tourist attraction on 42nd Street adjacent to Grand Central Station. They run you up to the 92nd floor where most of the younger folks are posing like a Kardashian – with some bringing their own pro photographers!

The view looking towards downtown (and Brooklyn to the left):

Looking west across the Hudson River towards New Jersey:

42nd Street below, and New Jersey in the distance:

Pivoting to the right, this is looking up Madison Avenue towards Central Park, Harlem, and the Bronx:

Looking east towards the Chrysler Building and the United Nations, with Queens in the distance:

Happy Holidays!

Happy Birthday Natalie!

Our daughter Natalie is 25 years old today – wow!

She has been instrumental in our success this year, taking over the social media and helping to direct the rest of us on what we should be doing each day – all while pursuing her career as a commercial dancer.  For those readers who want to follow us, here are links to the accounts she manages:

Now that concerts are starting up again, hopefully we will see her on tour with a hip-hop artist before long!


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