What a great day! Delivering pies and talking real estate – what a privilege!
Talking points you might hear over Thanksgiving dinner.
– It’s too unaffordable. Prices have to adjust.
There will be the occasional seller who gets caught in a pinch and has to sell that day – and might take a 10% to 20% discount. All you have to do is be there on that day. It is why you have a realtor!
But will it be a superior home on a premium lot? Highly unlikely – those owners know what they got.
Buyers need to decide: Are you a lowballer, or are you trying to buy a high-quality property? It’s either/or.
Bottome line: Prices may adjust downward on the inferior properties. Take your chances.
– There seems to be more homes for sale – is it the big slowdown?
As time goes on and the market gets tighter, it will be natural for sellers to price too high and cause inventory to grow. It’s easier than ever to overprice and miss the market! What to do?
Spruce up the home and price attractively, which is about where the comps are….and not 5% to 10% higher.
Tip: Lately the local prices have been going up about 0.5% per month. But once a home is on the open market, the buyer expectations drop about 1% per week on price.
Once as home has been on the market for 2-3 weeks, there might be some negotiations on price!
– Are commissions negotiable now?
Yes, absolutely and agents who are desperate and have no skills will be happy to represent you for 1% or less. It’s a ripoff. Find an agent who will produce beyond expectations. The best thing to come out of these lawsuits is that consumers will investigate agents more thoroughly!
Get Good Help!
If it gets hot, just call me. I’m happy to talk to people on the phone!