The Case-Shiller Index has risen more this year in San Diego than in any other metro area!
Could we end up being the most expensive metro in the country some day? It could happen, and it would be a return to the top spot, according to Channel 8 – check the first 30 seconds here:
“Buy. Hold on tight. And wait!” LOL! So true!
The 3 most important things in Real Estate “TIMING – TIMING – TIMING”
What this video is really about is the extent of money dilution since dollar stopped being pegged to gold in 1970s. It has only accelerated since 2008. Its pure theft form the savers, retirees, workers and people who generally don’t own any assets. The game is rigged when money isn’t honest and these experiments have ended badly historically.
What are you going to do about it? What can you do about it?
How about the $158 trillion we owe?
Somebody needs to default here to teach everyone a lesson.