The jumbo rate above is 6.1% at no points, which means you can get into the mid-to-high 5s with the buyers – or sellers – paying a point or two.

I’m going to mention it in the description of the new listing.

With the discounts already in place in some areas, and last week’s drop in the mortgage rates, this might be the best combination of discounts/declines that we will see in the next 1-2 years.

The Fed is going to keep raising their fed funds rate. Powell, Bullard and others have said that the FFR needs to be at least 1% higher, and they intend to get there next year.  They don’t determine the mortgage rates, but you can imagine the impact on the bond/MBS markets.

What they won’t consider is where potential home sellers are going to draw the line.

Today, we might find sellers who are willing to consider a price that is 10% below peak, with an occasional 15% or 20% off.  But you can bet that when it comes to selling for 20% to 30% below peak prices, most sellers will become highly resistant.

How many will quit instead? Or not even bother with trying to sell? Plenty.

I think the higher rates go, the lower the inventory will be.

The difficulty of finding the right house, at the right price, will keep getting harder and harder.

If you can find something close to the perfect home today, consider it strongly!

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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