This blog started on September 24, 2005.  It was a Saturday morning, and literally I thought I better get into this blogging thing before every other realtor started doing it. This was my first blog post that talked about 20% to 25% appreciation per year:

I am very grateful for you being here. At the height of the notoriety in 2009-2010 when all we talked about was foreclosures and short-sales, the monthly unique users was around 11,000.  To still have 6,421 over the last 30 days is fantastic, given that the market turned 180 degrees in the opposite direction since 2009, and I figure that once readers buy or sell a house, they are likely to quit reading and go on with their life:

The new-visitor count has to be loaded with bots.

Where are you from?

Ashburn must be where the bots live?

What devices are you using?

Do bots have a mobile device?

Beats me, but if they don’t, then the audience of real people is into the thousands – yay!

How about age and gender?

I love seeing the younger people – about one-third of you are age 34 and under:

About 60% of readers go straight to the home page, and the others are either searching for a specific real estate topic and find a bubbleinfo article, or readers are sharing links to articles with their friends and family, which I really appreciate – thank you:

Thank you for being here!

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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