Another fire broke out this morning near the 405 freeway in Bel Air, and it reminded me of the Big One in 1961 when 484 homes were lost. As a result of this fire, the City of Los Angeles was able to initiate a series of fire safety policies and several laws, including the outlawing of wood shake/shingle roofs.
My Dad sold roofing materials at the time, and his company gave him a copy of this film – and I used to take it to school during fire season:
What should the House take from the Senate’s version? According to House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, his members are ready to adopt key Senate provisions, including continuing to allow homebuyers to deduct interest on up to a $1 million mortgage. The House plan caps it at $500,000 mortgages.
The recent fires show several more things to add to construction standards. In the Anaheim fires the windows broke and let the fire in. Although it sounds funny apparently hurricane resistant windows are much better in the presence of great heat than ordinary double windows. (Perhaps some sort of coating to prevent shattering) The houses in Anaheim did have tile roofs, but the broken windows let the fire inside. A very low cost feature is small sized metal screening across all attic openings to the outside to keep embers out.
I think it’s important to note that, in the video, the observer noticed FBI officers on the scene. That could viewed as… unusual. Then one must ask ones self, why are there federal agents in the middle of a fire? And why are theses fires going off like clockwork the past few years? These fires in particular, were ignited after the weather service predicted high winds in the area. Years back, we used to have plenty of high wind days without multiple fires near populated areas.
I’d also say that our extremely liberal plan for taking in refugees from states we were in the middle of bombing the hell out of was one of the worst decisions ever made by a standing president, owing to what I believe I know about third world sensibilities, and human nature. I could be wrong, but…
Fire right near the Getty museum? The place we stick all our western culture stuff? Hmmmm….
Seems Newsweek is thinking about that too