Hat tip to daytrip for sending this in – the price is now down to $699,000:

Homes near this Chapel Drive neighborhood fetch about $1.5 million, and Crowell priced this property as such. She figures it will cost $300,000 to stabilize the hill that got washed away during February’s rains, $250,000 to fully upgrade the 2,385-square-foot home and leave $100,000 left over for profit. “That’s the going price in this neighborhood,” she said. “The house is still near the best schools.”

The couple selling the house is in their 90s and were forced to move out of the home they’ve lived in since 1968 this winter. While the property underneath the home is shaky, Crowell said the four-bedroom, three-bathroom home is in really good shape.”

As of Monday, Crowell said she had at least 10 inquiries on the home. She said she felt supremely confident she’d sell it — and soon. But she fully recognized that anywhere else in the country, a Realtor who asked for nearly $1 million for a home sitting precariously on a landslide and “you’d be nuts.”



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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, bubbleinfo.com which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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