There is one solution that would solve everything – start a new club.

It was probably no accident that Mauricio ran this again on his Instagram yesterday, and it is a fantastic idea:

They are advertising it as a pocket-listing website, but it could go big and offer the industry a viable alternative to the current MLS system.

A wanted and needed alternative!

It might take a few months to catch on, but think of the effects:

  1. Privatize the marketplace, and force consumers to work with agents who are club members.
  2. Privatize the market data, so only the club members have the comps.
  3. No listing feeds to Zillow or other real estate website, resulting in no public access to listings.
  4. Brokers could only charge agents a reasonable admin fee, instead of big splits because all agents need is to be in the club.
  5. The N.A.R. and all other blood-suckers are eliminated.
  6. Club members in full control of market, with no rules or ethics.

Only agents can join, and let’s make club membership extremely expensive so only the top agents could afford it, which would eliminate the lousy agents. If the cost was $2,000 per month, it would cull the herd immediately.

The only reason there are so many pimps making millions off agents is because we let them. We should take back our listings, and control our own destiny!

All it would take is a celebrity realtor to create it, and off we go!  Revolution!

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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