For those who are looking for a more adventurous lifestyle, consider these outposts – and don’t get put off by the first guy who is spending millions, the rest are cheaper:
Three Pistol Creek cabins are for sale, from $295,000 to $470,000. Potential buyers might want to consult their physician. “We’re all first-aid-trained, but if you really have trouble, and the weather is bad, you’re going to die,” said ranch manager Dave Dewey.
On the bright side, Amazon delivers. Pistol Creek Ranch, which has satellite Internet, is a stop on one of the nation’s last aerial wilderness postal routes.
The age bracket of most of those guys doesn’t bode well with their utopian dream homes. If they have a minor stroke, asthma attack, a significant fall, or some other accident that’s not hard to do out there, they’re dead men.
That’s a strange way to live. Something goes wrong, you’re dead. I’d think it might make one weird, after a while. You’d start acting like those guys in “treasure for the sierra madre.” Facial ticks, political rants at breakfast, paranoia, sex with bears, etc.
If you’re alone, you turn hermit. If you have a family, you get culty and strange. You middle-aged rich guys be careful what you choose. A rich hermit is still a hermit. Jim Jones wasn’t a person, it was a state of mind.