No shortage of demand for the brand new high-enders. Here they’ve sold 100+ houses and lots already, averaging $2,000,000 or so for the houses.
If you are on the lengthy list of waiting buyers (who had to pre-qual to $2M), is time running out? Do you opt for one of the two 1-story plans with 25-ft backyards available, or hold out for a future phase and risk getting nothing?
Once those Toll Brothers homes come on-line up here in Carlsbad, it might convince all these Carmel Valleys buyers to compromise on the commute and buy up here.
If you did not absolutely have to be in CV (because of Job, etc…), Obviously Carlsbad or someplace like it would be a better choice (more for less etc…).
it will happen for Carlsbad, just get the airport running a little and it will be fully self contained and will explode. Once that happens, Oceanside will explode as well. It will be SD’s mini version of coastal orange county. People live in the OC and never step foot in LA County. People will live in Carlsbadside and never venture south except to go to the ‘big’ airport or an occasional game.
You would be surprised, many who live in the suburbs of L.A. have not been in the L.A. city proper for more than 10 years in some cases. (downtown maybe 20 years LOL).
The only reason they go there is LAX in a lot of cases (some wont even do that they will only fly out of Burbank).
I wouldn’t hold out. There are plenty Chinese buyers here waiting with cash.