Rich Toscano has updated his San Diego housing charts:

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The recent active-inventory trend looks a lot more like it did in 2010:


It is still very low, with 6,596 attached and detached listings today.  But it is 50% higher than it was earlier in the year, and adding that higher November datapoint to his graph would be the only time in this four-year history that inventory kept going up.  If there isn’t the usual holiday listing-cancellation fest, and we have a larger group of picked-overs to start 2014, sellers with an itchy trigger finger might rush their decision to list earlier in spring.

Let’s face it; if there is a flood, it means that it might get up to your ankles.  But if buyers hesitate, it could be a whole new ballgame.

Will they be patient?

See Rich’s other graphs by clicking on link below:

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