New tracts are more concerned about holding on price, and waiting – a plan that usually takes a couple of years before selling out.
I think we’ll see more and more sellers try a similar program. They’ll list during the selling season – at their price – and if a buyer comes along that’ll pay within 5% or so, then great. If not, the sellers will wait until next year.
We’ll see sporatic sales here and there, and wonder the the future holds.
It’ll be the new norm – low sales counts, and uncertainty.
A tour of the two bigger Sandalwood models in La Costa Oaks in southeast Carlsbad:
A few years ago a home priced below market in a good area generated multiple offers quickly. Now sellers are having to price below market just to get a sniff as the buyers smell blood in the water. Sellers hoping for a quick rebound have gotten burned and if they have a good house they might be better off just staying put and working hard to lock in a lower interest rate.
Those houses are pretty sweet. I still think over 850k is way too much for a big square. But these are the best squares I’ve seen.
It should be mandatory that sellers walk through houses like these before listing to know what their up against.
Also the interior designer did a really good job.
Who’s the person responsible for the easy listening music blaring throughout the houses? Have they caught him yet?
How rain-proof are those seamless patios with the sliding doors?
I recognized some of the interior design from when I walked through the La Costa Greens Sol Terra models. Especially the orange racing stripes at about 2:25.
Design Line interiors does the model staging.
The staging is excellent and I don’t recall seeing a tract home (lately, anyway) that looked so good! Nice rooms and I like the stone-look around the walls.
@ewhac — the bi-fold doors can be leaky if exposed to weather and improperly installed (or maybe a poor brand). But generally are sound. Especially if under cover.
So is the indoor/outdoor space included in the home square footage? (What’s it do to $/sf?)
Those bookcases look very much like the Ikea Lack series I used to have! 🙂