This REO has been on the market for almost two weeks – the urgency of a fresh new listing is gone. Today we’re seeing if the repairs that were just completed might help to re-ignite interest:
This REO has been on the market for almost two weeks – the urgency of a fresh new listing is gone. Today we’re seeing if the repairs that were just completed might help to re-ignite interest:
I really do not understand the concept of these type of “vaulted” ceilings. Waste of perfectly good square footage.
One thought Jim, if buying new toilets if its not much more money buy an ADA toilet for the Master. The additional height helps. Probably not for the other rooms if you are looking to sell to someone with small children however.
Sometime you just have to take it easy Jim. Change is a slow process, especially with people.
Toilets are cheap now thanks to the dearth of new construction. You can get them for about $100. They should have just done it before, though – probably wasted hours of time cleaning those old ones up.
I’d be more concerned with the crack in the shower, but yeah, Jim, the toilets are outta there…
JtR, it’s gotta be frustrating dealing with the idiot banks. New toilets=definitely.
Or lower the price to a point that skid marked toilets won’t be an issue for buyers. Just sayin.
Or close the lids, jeez. You want these listings JtR? Hopefully you have someone in your office handling this kind of grief for you.
Jim, Who’s the bank again?? They’re nuts!
Anyway, quality new toilets/seats/installs & disposal = about 250.00 per toilet, turnkey.
Ugh….I could not be a realtor.
I can see how it’s a business and nothing is personal but random stupidity like that would just eventually pop all my gaskets.
The guys who painted that did it in 6 hours max. And it cost $7,000?!…After the bank whined that they would not pay over $5,000?! Well obviously, they have some “relationship” with their..ahem..contractor.
Oh well…get new toilets…ugh!
If you ever need to clean toilets that have mineral deposit stains you can try using a Pumice Stone. Yes, the same type you use to get baby smooth skin on your feet. Get your gloves on, drain the water from toilet bowl and scrub away. It does take a bit of effort, but the stuck on dirt comes off. I was able to save 6 toilets with a bit of hard work in one of our previous homes.
I don’t really get why they would do the paint and not the carpet. Did they see the carpet? It’s horrendous. I kept on looking at that instead of the house!
What’s the big deal? As a buyer, it’s not that hard to see a vision of your new home beyond bad toilets and carpet. My last house was a steal because it was filthy and had mauve carpet resulting in no offers in 10 months. I bought it, scrubbed it down for a week and got beige carpet.
No offers in 10 months? Apparently it is a big deal to others.
It’s not that they are stupid, it’s just easier to keep looking for the better quality. Not sure if they’ll find it, but riding the fence is popular.
Make sure to let the bank know much $$$$$ they lost by having to reduce the price because of those skid marks.That’s the most expensive turd I have ever seen. LMAO!
Now the house looks like it was hastily repaired to make a quick sale. Doesn’t inspire much confidence.
And definitely there must be a relationship between the contractors and the agent at the bank in charge of this mess. There’s no other way to explain this fiasco.
Bofa’s favorite contractor is out of Phoenix, and he sub-contracts the work to the locksmith.
That’s right, the paint job was done by bofa’s locksmith.
Either he’s a jack of all trades, or he needed the extra $$$.
My money is on the latter…
Forgive me for reading these out of order, but $3 for caulk and 3 minutes applying in the shower could add a percent to the house price, haha.