Mozart mentioned the Shea Homes presentation last night to the City of Encinitas regarding new tract developments they’d like to build around Leucadia.
We at try to be responsive to our readers!
I’m also hoping to have Richard supplement our regular video fare – here’s his review of the Leucadia sites that have Shea’s name on them. He’s getting better at his videos, though he isn’t as suspicious as JtR.
I’m guessing that the City is going to allow the Vulcan tract to suffice for all low-income requirements – hit the pause button at the 3:47-minute mark:
Good stuff! Who doesn’t want new construction near the beach?
69 units on that lot is obscene. I don’t like the look of Nantucket, but at least the comps are great and they’re not that bad. It’s almost surreal how close together and big they are, but it’s all good.
However, why can’t they do the same on the Ashbury lot? Or at least try to make it similar to the Leucadia Oaks development.
69 units is just too much and this whole “low-income housing/density bonus” scheme should be ended today. Developers get away with building absurdly dense developments and then you get the “low-income” part, which doesn’t help property values.
I just have a feeling the quality isn’t going to be that great. And the traffic? They’re not getting onto Ashbury or the dirt road, no my friends, all 69 units worth of traffic is going one way: out to Vulcan. At least to get to my house you can go on the dirt road and then up Hillcrest….because Vulcan is going to be a nightmare.
Put some big bombers in….they look better and, as previous video shows, there is a good market in the 1-1.4 -ish range.
C’mon Shea!
Echo profhoff — good stuff.
The real JtR skill that Richard needs to develop is to be able to safely drive while videoing. For sure if I tried what JtR does, I’d have killed many pedestrians by now, and probably sideswiped a lot of cars as well.
JtR has amazing situational awareness — and apparently eyes in the back of his head.
LEUCADIA is the best place to invest for a 10 year hold. So much positive change coming to the area. 200 million dollar hotel, complete new 101 with roundabouts, and major gentrification.
Where is the 200 million dollar hotel going? Isn’t that north of the lagoon in Carlsbad/Poinsettia?
We hope to move there someday! Love the videos Jim!
Not a bad video. However, there were no ice cream trucks, jet aircraft overhead, or classic cars shown.
CV Owner, are you lurking? What did you think of 6909 Waters End that just hit? Meanwhile, Red Coral is coming down $10k at a time!
Need an I’m Rich the Realtor outro…