From CurbedLA:
General Hospital” heartthrob-turned-real estate agent Stuart Damon will be returning to the small screen with the show “Luxury Lifestyles TV,” which’ll air on Fox 11 starting March 6 (in the odd 11 am time slot). The show features Stuart and his son Christopher cracking wise as they tour local high-end real estate, including downtown’s Watermarke and the Ed Niles-designed salad spinner in Beverly Hills.
Thanks Jim. Pretty cool design. Curving the steel makes it less office-like. Pretty bold investing that kind of dough in a spec house.
How long has this house been on the market?
They should have had Bambi from the beach house (or whatever her name was) with the legs and stilettos walk through dreaming to ‘cook’ for Brad (or whatever his names were). LA Style!!
Imagine cleaning the spots off all that glass every it rains…
No thanks.
Nice! Five years construction time? Let’s hear it for all the very talented craftsmen (subcontractors) who worked on this stunning home for years.
The views were exquisite, and I loved the glass doors into the master bedroom.
What’s the square footage of the home, Jim, and–afraid to ask–the price? I might have missed that important info as I was focused on the awesome views…
Wow, that is stunning.
You couldn’t pay me to live there, but it is stunning to look at.
The round blue glass reminds me of Oracle HQ. Maybe Larry should buy it.
I like how you categorized this under “Train Wrecks” … definitely fitting.
Ross, Even Larry had enough sense to build his respectful oriental on a small footprint and in separate nodes to convey a sense of a small grouping. This just reminds me of the office building I just drove home from. My old geology classmates from USC must be enjoying the spectacle of these houses being build along that great transverse deformation zone! Anyway, It’s just money that can be made up with a couple of favorable class-action verdicts.
That was a weird presentation. The home is amazing and someone will love it but the older woman and the young man waxing about it in syrup drenched and breathy voices was weird and almost creepy.
As for the house I love circle shaped houses and I’d probably grow to love it but it doesn’t grab me right away. I would be a little bit worried about the heavy glass and steel in an earthquake too.
Add in the soap opera has-been, and you have a real train wreck.
I guess they could build a TV show out of it, and stroke some agents’ egos, but the buying public would benefit more from some gritty street-saavy agent adding extra value.
Y’know, you could have a very accurate Starship Enterprise ambiance in that house with disquietingly few mods.
“How would you like to wake up to this every morning?” What, you mean neighbors from 180 degrees around being able to see in to my bedroom as I shuffle off to the WC?
Snark aside, the house is fairly amazing.