(Covenant in orange on map, click twice)

Smithers wanted to know more about the whopping 25 detached closings in RSF over the summer.  There was a late-reported #26, but upon further examination one of the 25 was in Cielo, but an Escondido zip and school district, so let’s leave that one out (it was 7,091 sf for $2,175,000).

20% down payment = 2

25% down payment = 1

30%-49% down payment = 6

50%-plus down payment = 3

All-cash purchases = 13 of 25!


Median sales price is $2,100,000

Average $/sf = $475/sf

DOM = 119

10 of 25 sales UNDER $2,000,000

21 of 25 sales UNDER $3,000,000


7 sales in the Covenant

7 sales in Fairbanks Ranch

2 sales in RSF Farms

2 sales in Cielo

2 sales in the Bridges


198 of 353 active listings are OVER $3 million, with list prices averaging $849/sf.

23 sales this year OVER $3 million, with a average of $564/sf. (about 3 sales per month)


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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, bubbleinfo.com which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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