Their Top 10 states didn’t include California so obviously you should move to some place better!
If you’re looking for a great place to live, you might want to check out Utah.
For the second year in a row, Utah was named the best state in the nation, according to the 2024 rankings from U.S. News & World Report. It ranked second in America for education, third for its economy and infrastructure, and sixth for its fiscal stability.
“Utah has a vibrant, diverse economy and unsurpassed natural beauty, but what truly sets our state apart is our people,” Utah Gov. Spencer Cox said in a statement. “We lead the nation in volunteering and charitable giving every year and this spirit of community leads to a collaborative approach to problem solving, an ecosystem that supports innovation, and a culture that strengthens families and individuals.”
States were evaluated in eight categories: health care, education, economy, infrastructure, opportunity, fiscal stability, crime and corrections, and natural environment. More than 70 metrics and tens of thousands of data points were considered, including things like employment, internet access, affordability, and public safety. (Washington, DC, was not included in the analysis.)
Floriduh is #1 in edjication? The third city of Massachusetts, Worcester, eclipses the entire state with superior institutes of higher learning.
The usual click-bait.