What are the 10 most neighborly cities in the U.S. in 2023?
Neighbor.com ranked cities across the country based on violent crime and property crime, volunteering, voter turnout, charitable giving and population:
Madison, Wisconsin
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Sarasota, Florida
Rochester, New York
Provo, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Ogden, Utah
Raleigh, North Carolina
Richmond, Virginia
Overall, the results found that 94% of Americans will help their neighbors in the event of a natural disaster and 64% are likely to ask for help from their neighbors if and when needed.
Was just in Minneapolis last month + its not like it used to be. Inner city has a huge Somali population (placed there by government) and they’re just not very friendly. The suburbs are the same as they’ve always been. Very Norticly influenced. Summers are nice, winters are brutally cold.
Colorado Springs was a military town because of Fort Carson and Air Force Academy. The AFA cadets weren’t an issue because after they graduate theyd move away. The Army people tended to stay in town after their service + there wasn’t many jobs available which lead to high crime. Recently things have gentrified because of the real estate boom + because Denver and Colorado Springs have slowly merged in one big city.
I’m in Encinitas and share a driveway with two other neighbors. I recommend you NEVER buy a house with a shared driveway as it is blocked on a consistent basis by our rude neighbors’ friends and contractors.