There is a real curiosity about who the buyers are, yet there isn’t much information available about the demographic trends.  So I thought this was an interesting factoid.

My YouTube video of the listing in 4S Ranch has been seen 363 times, which is a good sample size and quite a bit above normal – which means the extra traffic was from the video being in the listing. I choose to mark the box on YouTube that my videos aren’t for kids, so I miss the Under-18 group, which is ok.  Yet, you’d think there would still be some variety among the viewers.

But the buyer pool in 4S Ranch – a typical newer tract neighborhood with good schools – is very consistent:

I don’t know how accurate their analytics are, but the 35-44 age group is similar to what I saw in person.

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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