Everyone believes that the best time to sell your house is springtime.

But we threw out all the standard beliefs once the government stepped in and screwed up all the natural market forces.  Looked how it turned out this year.

If it weren’t for a blip that caused the June’s average cost-per-sf to be three percent higher than in October, the April-through-July stretch would have been the worst of the year:

graph (54)

Volatility is higher too. Look at how the cost-per-sf was bouncing around this year, compared to the previous years.  Thankfully, mortgage rates have had the biggest impact, and today they are in the threes:

int rates

In the summer of 2013, rates jumped 1/2% on a rumor – there is enough instability worldwide that it wouldn’t take much for rates to jump again.

Sellers should consider getting their house on the market sooner, not later.

Get Good Help, and get it done – January will be great!

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, bubbleinfo.com which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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