County Treasurer-Tax Collector Dan McAllister has mailed the 2012-2013 Secured Property Tax Bill. This year, 980,654 San Diego County Property Taxpayers can expect to receive their new bill. This represents an all time record high number in tax bills being mailed to taxpayers.

The year’s secured property tax billing is expected to generate $4,571,199,196 from the collection of these bills. This is an increase of $30 million over last year.

“Our numbers in San Diego County continue to rise,” stated McAllister. “More tax bills, more revenue and the collection rate from our taxpayers are at an all-time high at 98%. Our taxpayers know the importance of paying on time and avoiding hefty late fees. I’m proud to represent our taxpayers and look forward to a productive tax collection year.”

McAllister also announced that with the addition of American Express, his office now accepts all major credit cards (American Express, MasterCard, Visa and Discover) when paying online and by phone. He reminded taxpayers that cash will not be accepted at any of the branch offices, only in the main office located in downtown San Diego. He reinforced, “Save Time, Pay Online.” Due to the Waterfront Park construction at the County Administration Center in downtown San Diego, the south parking lot is currently closed. An echeck payment through the tax collector’s website currently has no convenience fee charge.

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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