Would you mind having to put up with a little?
Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, bubbleinfo.com which began in September, 2005. Stick around!
Would you mind having to put up with a little?
I don think i could live next to a freeway for any price.The noise and air pollution would drive me nuts.
Was that pergo flooring or stuff you can get at walmart?
What a nightmare. But hey- you always can say “I live West of the 5”
Little known, but interestingly, the trees actually cause more of the noise problem. They give something for the noise to bounce off of and back into the yard. If all of the trees were cut down the entire length, the noise would have been lower.
Of course, paving material of the road is probably the largest factor in that noise there. For example, there are some houses in Nellie Gail here that back to the 73 that you can’t even tell are near a freeway. The rich people required The Toll Road Company to use a sound dampening paving material that is super quiet.
There’s really no hope unless you don’t mind noise. Everything has got its price.