When I was younger I used to think this type of architecture made homes look like a “Dentist office” but I have grown to like it. I like the clean lines.
on June 12, 2012 at 12:39 pm
Looks like the new UCSD Medical Education building. Solid. I’d be curious what the price multiple is over standard construction. 3x? 5x?
on June 12, 2012 at 2:46 pm
It looks too much like something from the Albert Speer school of architecture to appeal to me, but obviously there are those to whom it does appeal.
on June 12, 2012 at 2:53 pm
I always wondered what the architects of the “Best Buy” stores were up to these days…
I’m playing the Powerball lottery tomorrow.
Maybe, just maybe! 🙂
When I was younger I used to think this type of architecture made homes look like a “Dentist office” but I have grown to like it. I like the clean lines.
Looks like the new UCSD Medical Education building. Solid. I’d be curious what the price multiple is over standard construction. 3x? 5x?
It looks too much like something from the Albert Speer school of architecture to appeal to me, but obviously there are those to whom it does appeal.
I always wondered what the architects of the “Best Buy” stores were up to these days…
Tilt up construction at its finest.
What? It took more than 3 days to build this? Someone got paid overtime!