People have been sending in the links to the story about the NAR sales recount.
NAR has always been irrelevant, and will always be – they are a joke.
They don’t do a hard count of the actual sales; instead, they estimate the sales nationwide. Yet, the story is that they are revising their estimating model, not that they are changing to an actual count of home sales.
They have, which according to them is “the most comprehensive source for real estate listings”, but they don’t use it themselves to count sales?
What they should do is discontinue the national count altogether, as part of a shift to educating the public properly. They should champion the ‘all real estate is local’ mantra, and if they are going to publish anything, it should be statistics on local sales only.
But they can’t stop from blubbering all over themselves, they even had to assure us with this:
“The benchmark revisions will be published next Wednesday and will not affect house prices.”
NAR should do all of us a favor and close their doors – for good.
LOL- when I saw this sentence:
“The benchmark revisions will be published next Wednesday and will not affect house prices.”
I laughed…It reminded me the Lereah days.
Much of the NAR is about vanity. If you look at how orgs like ABA is run, they charge for the MCLE credits…collect on their scam fees and move on.
NAR types LOVE getting quoted and being seen (similar to their membership)- ala put your glamer-shot photo on your business card and on the local bus stop bench.
The REAL realestate professions are simply too busy doing actual work for their clients to bother with such vanity and self promotion.
You are forgiven, and Right!
“NAR should do all of us a favor and close their doors – for good.”
Season Greetings with Good Karma Wishes!
Faith Restored.
This is where the real opportunity exists to make change…start a NEW realtor’s trade group to lobby and effect real ethics and change.
Use more of a Bar Assn/Doctor type of style. Not only would JTR attract the ‘right’ type of realtors to participate, you could make a giant salary off the dues.
I bet you could cause an uproar and effect change in mere months give social media, etc. Full out war against the NAR. Given their missteps and state of the real estate market makes timing ideal to strike.
I delete all of your comments. Have for months.
Realtors are notably apathetic – how could I convince them to pay me a giant salary to effect major change when I can’t even get them to video their listings?
1mm agents x $10/yr in your new ‘anti-NAR’ to spend turning the profession around. Programs to make agents become certified and provide them with the designation like we have CCIM in the commercial world. Make a JTR certified course. I”m sure there would be $500k laying around for your salary after all that….think Union style!
Think big and tear down the NAR by beating them at the game they are supposed to be playing. If they were a pure business they would be out of business. Realtors just pay their fees w/o even knowing what they’re paying…shake it up.
That would be like trying to turn the Titanic – and still sinking!
My program would involve hard work – which eliminates 95%.
David lereah is trying to get his job back.