From Originator News:

Bank of America is working “very hard” on a short sale-to-lease program for distressed borrowers who don’t qualify for government-backed refinance programs.

But the much-maligned bank won’t move forward until it gains assurance from regulators that borrowers are being treated fairly.

As outlined late this week by B of A executive Ron Sturzenegger at the Urban Land Institute’s fall conference in Los Angeles, the bank would regain title to mortgaged properties under a short sale arrangement, and then lease the houses back to their occupants for three years for rents that approximate the average for their particular areas.

At the end of the 36-month lease, Sturzenegger said during a panel session on capital markets, the institution would re-sell the houses to renters who wanted to buy them back. He did not say what price buyers would have to pay to reclaim ownership from the bank.

Sturzenegger, who is managing director of legacy asset servicing at B of A, said investors are interested in the program, as are borrowers. But two obstacles still need to be overcome before the program becomes operational, he said: governmental clearance and finding someone with the ability to run it.

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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