Wouldn’t you think if you hired MDL, they’d have TV cameras? I didn’t see any, and I was there around 3pm during a 12-4 open house.
College Joe
on April 7, 2011 at 1:09 pm
It’s a nice house, but the yard is not big at all. It’s also not in a very prime area….although it is close to the freeway and access down towards Via De La Valle.
The kitchen is too small…given the scale of the house. You can do much better with 6M in the ranch. Like the one Harwood has listed on Lago Lindo.
on April 7, 2011 at 2:00 pm
That’s the shortest video of any house I’ve ever seen? Were people giving you stares as you were recording?
on April 7, 2011 at 3:45 pm
I agree with Susie – ya shoulda used the Chevy.
The text that accompanies the virtual tour is nauseatingly cheesy, just dripping with cheap, big-hair pretension. Thanks for showing us, though.
on April 7, 2011 at 4:47 pm
JTR – Never been to the house, however, from the finishes it looks to me like it was a “Sy…..er” home.
Perfect character for the MDL series.
College Joe
on April 7, 2011 at 5:41 pm
Back in the day, I snuck around this house while it was under construction and I want to say it was another builder….Agee…possibly. I’ve been in many homes under construction in 92067 and one of my all time favorite Rancho homes is the one he built right on the golf course…the second house on the right as your driving on avenida acacias away from town. Check that pool out on google maps! It’s a lake. He also built a fantastic spanish style home way on the hill overlooking the golf course on Avenida Maravillas.
As for the home in the video…the master bathroom is out of this world and is truly stunning. It’s almost too much.
I say it sells for $3,500,000.
tj & the bear
on April 7, 2011 at 7:32 pm
I’d bet that the Realtors were thinking an MDL featured property’s broker open house would have some high end munchies, hence the turnout.
on April 7, 2011 at 9:10 pm
Jim, did you meet either of those posers named Josh? Were they in the house, or was it all on Linda Sansone?
on April 8, 2011 at 12:17 pm
I saw the season finale for the show last night, and I think it MIGHT be Altman’s parents’ home. They showed him visiting them, and the front elevation looked similar.
*Chuckle* I wish you had driven your awesome truck, Jim, and as you left the property, hit the horn! That would have been REAL reality…
House doesn’t sell for a year. But bring in the tv cameras and suddenly 300 realtors come out of the woodwork.
Says a lot.
Saw a 2004 X5 in there. Sales must not be so hot for that agent. DId you get any cookies while you were in there JtR? lol
JTR – that looks like its on the western side of El Camino Real…is that even in the Covenant?
She says it’s in the Covenant, but you’re right, it is close.
Here is the virtual tour, where they string together the photos rather than produce a video tour:
Wouldn’t you think if you hired MDL, they’d have TV cameras? I didn’t see any, and I was there around 3pm during a 12-4 open house.
It’s a nice house, but the yard is not big at all. It’s also not in a very prime area….although it is close to the freeway and access down towards Via De La Valle.
The kitchen is too small…given the scale of the house. You can do much better with 6M in the ranch. Like the one Harwood has listed on Lago Lindo.
That’s the shortest video of any house I’ve ever seen? Were people giving you stares as you were recording?
I agree with Susie – ya shoulda used the Chevy.
The text that accompanies the virtual tour is nauseatingly cheesy, just dripping with cheap, big-hair pretension. Thanks for showing us, though.
JTR – Never been to the house, however, from the finishes it looks to me like it was a “Sy…..er” home.
Perfect character for the MDL series.
Back in the day, I snuck around this house while it was under construction and I want to say it was another builder….Agee…possibly. I’ve been in many homes under construction in 92067 and one of my all time favorite Rancho homes is the one he built right on the golf course…the second house on the right as your driving on avenida acacias away from town. Check that pool out on google maps! It’s a lake. He also built a fantastic spanish style home way on the hill overlooking the golf course on Avenida Maravillas.
As for the home in the video…the master bathroom is out of this world and is truly stunning. It’s almost too much.
I say it sells for $3,500,000.
I’d bet that the Realtors were thinking an MDL featured property’s broker open house would have some high end munchies, hence the turnout.
Jim, did you meet either of those posers named Josh? Were they in the house, or was it all on Linda Sansone?
I saw the season finale for the show last night, and I think it MIGHT be Altman’s parents’ home. They showed him visiting them, and the front elevation looked similar.