Hat tip to AL for sending along this link to this fascinating website of old-time aerial photos. You can plug in addresses, and see the same location over time:
Here’s an example – Sea World, circa 1964, and 2005:
Hat tip to AL for sending along this link to this fascinating website of old-time aerial photos. You can plug in addresses, and see the same location over time:
Here’s an example – Sea World, circa 1964, and 2005:
Great research tool!
I love these.
California must have been fun in the 60s.
Oh, to have been a land buyer/owners. Grandiose would be set for life!
S/b “grandiose” above….still learning the touchy iPad keyboard…
My God what an environmental disaster……
Very cool.
As someone who’s gotten into arguments with folks about University City’s timeline it’s great to have photo proof that Genesee did NOT connect in 1964. And it’s great to see my street as it was when first built in 1964.