The future of real estate should include videos.
If you just look at the comps on paper, there was the similar REO sale a few doors down (which we saw) that closed last month for full price, $792,000, but it was on the golf course, down off La Costa Ave.
The inferior location might not be obvious to an asset manager with 300 files on their desk, who is looking to make a quick decision. If the initial appraisal or BPO only included a few “positive” photos, the true condition of the home might not be obvious either. But if there was a video presentation to pick up the good, the bad, and the ugly, the price might be sharper – here’s an example:
Definitely my choice for quote of the day: “Nothing money won’t fix!”
Chartreuse is green. Would call that BR color lilac. An eye-opener, though.
I think this one confirms everybody’s suspicion… Jim is from the future. Luckily he comes in peace, with videos and clue reports 🙂
That house was actually ok… it’s the location on the busy road that kills it.
I am not sure if anyone has heard, but the City of Carlsbad has approved the installation of FIVE new traffic lights between I-5 and RSF by 2012–IMHO, I don’t think they are going to do much-I would be more concerned about being rear-ended by having to stop at one of these! How about just lowering the speed limit down to 35 and actually enforcing it???
Location location location….for a gas station that is. With a mini-mart
Videos show what pictures don’t. For a buyer looking on the MLS, the first picture may just show the front of the house, but JtR’s video actually showed the traffic in front of the house and that it was a 45-mph zone. And that was just for starters…
Yuck. Might as well have an address that reads I-5.
Wow, there for a while it looked like you had a front row seat to the Indy 500.
I personally like the wood ceilings and the bookcase, but you’d be gambling your life every time you backed out of your driveway.
Jim, how long did it take you to actually get a opening to pull into the driveway?
Anybody got a neighbor with solar like those shown? I’m wondering if it would give any glare fromthe panels.
The killers are, in no particular order:
* The faux Spanish mission motif,
* Driveway emptying on to a NASCAR track,
* The grouted tile. All the tile everywhere would have to be completely gutted and redone.
Which is a damned shame because, other than those killers, I rather like the funky layout.
I’m with ewhac….and I’d have to upgrade my Mustang to a GT to get out of the driveway in any reasonable amount of time.
Guess that answers the solar panel glare question:,0,5099044.story
“That’ll keep you up at night” LOL