Nathan won the contest for Charger playoff tickets, but said he couldn’t make it, and to either give the tickets to the second-placer, or do something else with the dough.
Let’s do something else, so all bubbleinfo participants can benefit.
What could we spend a few hundred dollars on?
- Data research?
- Pizza parties?
- Haiti relief?
- Medicinal marijuana for shadash?
- Paint for the truck? (hat tip to Justin)
Arturo Ruiz’s ride screams his Chargers pride. The Logan Heights resident painted his 1966 Chevy truck, and his house, in blue and gold.
Haiti (If I get a vot as a never-before-commenter)
Definitely Haiti!
do you have pictures of his yellow/blue house?
does Zillow’s zestimate take into account of the DIY Charger paint job?
can his neighbors retroactively form an HOA to force a color change back to beige?
and yes, my vote goes for Haiti
Haiti is of course an admirable cause, but I would also like to see a pizza party.
I hate following the crowd, but I’d say Haiti too. Maybe into a fund more apropos and with a long-term interest in the country. Like a habitat for humanity Haiti, sort of thing?
1. Haiti
2. Sandbags if we get all the rain this week that has been threatened by the National Weather Service
3. An ice cream truck catered JtR event.
Haiti. That Habitat for Humanity idea would be cool, coming from someone in the house business.
Ophans who lost their parent/parents in the disaster
with a vote for Compassion International. They’ve been in Haiti for decades, and will continue to be so even after the immediate relief workers are gone. They help extremely poor children, in Port-Au-Prince and other areas in Haiti. Currently 64,000 Haitian children are helped through their program with basics like food, medicine, education and more.
I’m sure this earthquake created many orhpans who will be in dire need of help.
The Red Cross, not Wyclef Jean’s organization.
Too short?
Sacramento, California. Send the money there. They need it.
Haiti, without question.
Sacramento?!? Gimme a break! The capitol is a black hole for money.
p.s.: I was tempted to say paint the truck, but the look is what makes it stealthy. 🙂
Don’t paint the truck.
JtR wouldn’t be Old School with a painted truck.
Haiti, the money would be better spent than in Sacramento. Distribution of aid is a logistical nightmare without a port.
Flippers unclear on the concept in Cardiff.
W.C. I’ll bet they get close to that price. Tear downs in Cardiff regularly go for close to a mil and that is indeed a tear down. It continues to be inexplicable, but when you’ve got enough cash and enough desire to live that close to the ocean and within commute distance to the Northern parts of SD, the sky appears to be the limit.
Um, maybe he should have painted the house green and white …
Sorry, I didn’t understand this is a humor-free site.
I haven’t seen many tear-downs moving over about $600K. Here’s a pile on Manchester for example that they’ve been trying to sell for more than 4 years and is still listed at $850K.
I think the issue is that nobody can get construction loans and cash buyers with $1m for land and $1m+ for construction are few and far between.
My friend recently bought a place in Cardiff on twice the lot of the house W.C. linked to, for around $800k. I don’t see that house going for anywhere near $1m. The Del Mar house Jim toured in a recent video seems like a much better buy for that kind of scratch.
I vote pizza party. I’m sending my own money to Haiti. Either that or donate it to Nate Kaeding so he can get his leg examined.
P.S. Even if a buyer had cash and/or financing, the odds that they could sell 2 condos on that lot for a million a piece are between slim and none.
Sorry, I didn’t understand this is a humor-free site.
Sorry, your deadpan delivery sounded serious, and any talk of Sac-town and money drives me nuts.
One and done for the Chargers.
I guess it’s the best that can be hoped for when Norv’s the coach.
Ahhh man, now we gotta start all over again. One day…..
With all due respect to all the people who want to help Haiti, we can barely take care of ourselves. I’m just going to skip all the issues such as exploding federal debt, unfunded social security and medicare obligations, bankrupt states, bankrupt townships, people from China able to perform a good portion of our jobs for 1/10th the fee, 17% unemployment (yes, 17%, the U-6 measure, the one used during the great depression, not the U-3 measure that everyone reports). We should just send the money to Detroit (50% unemployment, US crime capital, bankrupt city, so on)
I contributed $1,000 to Doctors Without Borders, one of our favorite charities, and who has been doing work in Haiti since 1991.
A link to their Haiti earthquake work:
A documentary film about them has been selected to be one of 15 considered for an Academy Award nomination this year. Here is the trailer:
I’d send a few bucks to Detroit, but I’m afraid they might send me a grant deed in return!
It’s a mixed-up world when a bunch of Frenchies (Doctors without Borders) are the good guys, but it”s true.
Just don’t waste any donations on the corrupt and incompetent U.N.
Doctors Without Borders would have been my choice. A truly worthwhile charity that accomplishes so much in the world.
Also agree that they should get Habitat for Humanity over there as quickly as possible. They’re able to put up large numbers of homes in a surprisingly short period of time. Maybe send them our FEMA trailers as well?
Art, those are all larger lots, under a mill, and may even be liveable as opposed to tear-down.
“Medicinal marijuana for shadash?”
HaHa, 😉
Actually I do believe all non-addictive “drugs” should be legal. In The Netherlands (where all drugs are easily available) people make a distinction between hard (heroin, cocaine, meth, etc) and soft (pot, mushrooms) drugs.
Legalize, create a market for business, and tax sounds good to me.
Ps. Even if pot was legal I wouldn’t do it. Pot makes you forgetful, slow, and stupid.
To all you Charger fans, sorry about the Jet fiasco. IMO Norv Turner has to go…..
I vote for Haiti. Those people are really hurting.
Norv Turner to Haiti? Haven’t those people suffered enough?
I think nate the field goal kicker for the chargers might be looking for a new line of work.
Laces out Finkle
Mrs. Davis,
It’s ok. I got the joke. 🙂 But then again, I understand sarcastic humor…
Jesus Jim – you gotta change the top story. It hurts!
Talk about rubbing salt in a wound. I actually flinched once the page loaded.
It doesn’t look like any of those houses were bought as tear-downs. One is still a dump, probably a rental; one had a cosmetic remodel; and one is getting an extensive remodel though apparently not an expansion.
Pics here, here, and here.
See, it’s guys like bubblenerd that make Mrs. Davis seem deadpan.
Throwing money at a structural problem will not solve it. It will in fact breathe new life into the beast and make it harder to reform.
But, that said, there certainly are charities in the good old u.s. of a. like pretty bird woman house where each dollar would go very very far indeed.
A very worthy but under-recognized organization is the Salvation Army. They quietly do the most good without all the fanfare and PR. The donations actually go to the cause. Their reputation in unblemished – unlike some other big charities rife with graft and corruption. As for Habitat for Humanity – go ahead and help them if you don’t mind seeing the homes handed over to non-citizens.
Haiti relief gets my vote–without question. Here’s a quote of St. Francis of Assisi: “Start by doing what is necessary, then what’s possible and suddenly you’re doing the impossible.”
This is an opportunity for all of us world citizens to come together and help in any small way we can. Would you help your next-door neighbor in your own neighborhood if tragedy struck? Of course! Well, Haiti is our “neighbor” in the world community. Yes, the US has problems –and significant ones at the present–but we have so much abundance if we but share.
As a widow with two kids, my heart goes out to the orphans who have lost both their parents in the Haiti earthquake.
I ask in all sincerity: What organizations already in Haiti (and who have an established presence there)can help the littlest citizens of Haiti the most?
I also love this quote: “Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant with the weak and the wrong. Sometimes in life you will have been all of these.” -Bob Goddard
I’ll chime in on the Cardiff debate. The composer district in Cardiff has to be one of the hardest places to get a deal in the county. I looked at a dream Composer home back in the late 90’s under 1M and I am kicking myself to this day for not pulling the trigger on it. I’d love to get that opportunity again but I’m just not seeing it with the inventory where it is. Probably the only chance would be down at the courthouse.
I agree with WC that a 1M teardown is a very tough sell in this market. I think the buyer who payed 920k for the 1/2 acre REO on Rubenstein got a decent long-term investment because of the rarity of getting that kind of land west of the I-5.
While Haiti is heartwrenching. I have been a big fan of the Wounded Warriors Project ( which helps our soldiers with the adjustment to life w/o arms, legs, eyes, etc.
Regardless of one’s individual political views of the wars, these wounded soliders deserve everything we can cobble together.
bubblenerd, don’t forget to add in the drop in the labor participation rate (people the Labor Department thinks have ‘retired’). would bring the U6 closer to about 19% or so: