Somebody was already happy to post this in the youtube comments:

Your video on the Bluewater Crossing project is very uniformed.

First, Trammell Crow didn’t design the project, another developer did. The ultimate doomed project was the collaboration of a Planning Department and City Council in Carlsbad who insisted on an Urban Transit Oriented Development. They required the awkward combination of retail/live-work. Of course most developers would have built typical condos on the site if they could have. Several tried to get plans approved for a normal, on-grade townhome project. The city insisted on a retail component even after every study doubted the feasibility of retail at that site.

If anything, Trammell Crow was guilty of being too optimistic on the success of a Transit Oriented Development concept in North County San Diego. Now the City and the banks will be stuck with a poorly planned project on a prime parcel.

Hat tip to haigger

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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