Hat tip to my brother-in-law for contributing this story about the market in Vegas!


On the first day, Katie and her husband saw 13 homes.

Only three were anywhere close to move-in condition, despite the fact that all of the homes were built in 2005 or later. All were foreclosed properties. “People find out a year before they’re ever kicked out, so what do they do for that year?” says Katie. “Completely destroy their homes.”

I know we’ve already heard about this, as had Katie, but the destruction was even beyond her expectations. “There’s no cleaning that would help.” There was dirt rubbed on the walls, graffiti, holes in the walls and garbage deposited inside the holes. The smell? “I couldn’t get past it.” Obviously there was no hardware on the doors and no appliances, kitchen cabinets, stovetops…whatever could go went. 75 percent of the homes she went into were an instant no.


“We went to a home that had been on the market for one day, and the key was stolen out of the lock box. Our Realtor said immediately, ‘You want this home.’ She told us another Realtor had stolen the key because they wanted their client to get it. So what did my Realtor do? She broke in. And sure enough this was the home we fell in love with. It was on for $132,000 so we decided to be really aggressive and offered $160,000, plus we had government backing on our loan. Well our Realtor called that night and said, ‘You’re not going to get the home. They got 30 offers and half are cash offers, so the bank is not even going to look at you.’ The banks just want the cash to unload these places.”


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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, bubbleinfo.com which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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