For those who want to take advantage of the $8,000 tax credit, time is running out – unless of course, it gets extended…….which doesn’t appear to be a slam dunk, because of that pesky little problem of having to pay for it too. 

Should the tax credit not get extended, don’t be surprised if the market loses some of its current luster, as frustrated buyers pack it in for the holidays.  Heck, just the bidding wars and tsunami threats have to be making buyers think about taking a break anyway.

From yesterday’s U-T:

An excerpt:

It now appears likely that there will be an $8,000 tax credit available a year from now — at least for some purchasers. Which raises the question: Why not leave it in place for all first-time buyers?

There’s growing support for that on both sides of the Capitol, but there are also some complicating issues. In the Senate, the most outspoken advocate for months has been a Republican, Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia, a former real estate broker. He wants not only to extend the credit to Dec. 1, 2010, but to raise the maximum to $15,000, and make it available to all home buyers next year.

But recently, key Senate Democrats produced their own version of an extension, limited to six months, retaining the ceiling at $8,000 and targeting only first-time purchasers. The bill’s primary sponsor is Sen. Benjamin Cardin, D-Md. Democratic co-sponsors include Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Debbie Stabenow of Michigan. Republicans John Ensign of Nevada and Isakson have signed on as well.

In a statement, Cardin raised what may prove to be the crucial issue affecting the scope and duration of any credit extension: Cost. “A six-month extension is a fiscally responsible way to provide adequate time to nudge even more prospective home buyers off the sidelines,” he said.

Estimates of the revenue costs of the current credit vary widely, from $3 billion to $8 billion and up. How do you pay for any extension without worsening the budget deficit?

The new Rangel bill includes the answer: You raise taxes somewhere else — you “pay as you go.” The Rangel bill pays for most of the servicemen’s credit extension by increasing IRS penalties on taxpayers who fail to file partnership or “S” corporation returns.

This would raise an estimated $327 million over the next 10 years. Where and how to raise taxes to cover the far larger cost of a six-month or 12-month extension of the current tax credit could prove much more controversial.

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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