We’ve been on the road the last few days, but back in the saddle now.

While gone, Wifey and I were discussing comments left last week about doing more videos. 

I appreciate the encouragement, because the videos are my favorite part of the blog.  They bring an instant dose of reality to all discussed here.

But according to the bubbleinfo trackers, only about half the people watch the videos.

Wifey speculates that it’s because people don’t have time to watch, and/or that folks are using their phones to access the internet and don’t want to bother with linking to a youtube on a 1-inch screen.

We decided to go for the combo package – have videos augment the text and comments.

There has been a shortage of videos lately, mostly because there’s been a shortage of REOs. While waiting for the foreclosure tsunami to begin, I’m going to try to use video to better demonstrate the actual market conditions.

We can also anticipate an expanded role for the REO Speedwagon:

How does that sound? Your input is appreciated!

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, bubbleinfo.com which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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